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                中文版English Hello,Welcome to Wuxi Shangjiang Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd. Website!
                CONTACT US

                Wuxi Shangjiang Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd.
                Wuxi Shangjiang Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co.,Ltd.
                Address:39 yuecheng east road, yuecheng town, jiangyin, wuxi, China

                Shangjiang Purification EquipmentCurrent location:Home > Air shower

                The air shower is a necessary passage into the clean room,At the same time, it plays a buffering role of airlock airtight dust-free room,Effective equipment for personnel dedusting and outdoor air pollution free room,Necessary equipment for purifying workshop personnel.
                Air shower is a kind of local purification equipment  strong universality,Install between clean room and non-clean room,When people and goods want to enter the clean area, they need to be blown through the air shower. The clean air blown by the shower can remove the dust carried by people and goods, and effectively block or reduce the dust source into the clean area. The front and rear doors of the air shower/cargo shower are interlocked electronically and act as an airlock to prevent unpurified air from entering the clean area.
