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                中文版English Hello,Welcome to Wuxi Shangjiang Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd. Website!
                净化双层中空密@ 封窗-无锡上江净化设备有限公司
                CONTACT US

                Wuxi Shangjiang Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd.
                Wuxi Shangjiang Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co.,Ltd.
                Address:39 yuecheng east road, yuecheng town, jiangyin, wuxi, China

                Shangjiang Purification EquipmentCurrent location:Home > Purification double hollow seal window

                Matching for all levels of clean room, purification room, clean room, activity room, and color plate partition. Double seal around, heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation.
                The standard size is W:1180mm×H: 1200mm, we can customize the single-layer sealing window and double-layer sealing window of different specifications and sizes according to customer requirements.
                Material: 5mm tempered glass;
                Production: the window frame is made of aluminum alloy, the surface is treated with electrostatic spraying;
                Form: double-open manual board;
                Seal: sealed with imported 3M industrial tape and neutral silica gel;
                Drying: adding zeolite desiccant to inner layer;
