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                中文版English Hello,Welcome to Wuxi Shangjiang Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd. Website!
                CONTACT US

                Wuxi Shangjiang Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd.
                Wuxi Shangjiang Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co.,Ltd.
                Address:39 yuecheng east road, yuecheng town, jiangyin, wuxi, China

                Shangjiang Purification EquipmentCurrent location:Home > To purify the door

                Supporting for all levels of clean room, purification room, clean room, activity room, and with color steel plate as a partition place. Double seal around, heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation. Color steel plate or stainless steel plate can be customized with different specifications and sizes of cleaning doors, locks, color steel plate color, sweeping strip can be configured according to the requirements.
                Size: single door: W:700mm, 800mm, 900mm H:2100 mm
                Double door (child and mother door) : W:1200mm, 1500mm, 1800mm H:2100 mm
